What goes around comes around

One of my rock-solid, iron-clad beliefs is the title of today’s blog.

How I treat people is a reflection of who I am. I value every relationship I have – current and past. Some relationships grow more precious with each day. Some relationships fade. However, I still value the person and the relationship for what I learned and how I grew as a result.

That’s the same way I feel about this common phrase. I want to be treated with respect and kindness and generosity. So, that’s what I strive to give – respect, kindness, and generosity.

This weekend I heard from several people about frustrations and anger and hurt they were experiencing. Each time I reminded them that “what goes around comes around…. sometimes it just seems to take a LONG time for that to become real.” I intended my words to comfort them about some injustices they were feeling. Because if what goes around does truly come around, the people who have wronged them have some bad days ahead.

Since I focus on the positive, I also believe what you give, you receive in return. Focusing on positive outcomes and good aspects makes you feel better. When you feel better and focus on “fabulous” – you receive more good!

When I focus on the good things that are happening in one area of my life, I receive more good in ALL areas of my life. Try it…

Instead of saying “just another so-so (or crappy) day at work” when you go home tonight and someone asks how your day was, talk about what was good about it. It’s a lot more fun to talk about the good things about someone’s day. After all, relationships grow stronger when you celebrate your successes.

I love hearing your comments and receiving your emails….. Thanks!

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