Your Life & Your Business as a Jigsaw Puzzle

When I was growing up, I loved putting puzzles together. I would put the border in place and then start filling in the other pieces.

As a child, I was used to working on a jigsaw puzzle by myself. During high school I visited a friend’s house & the entire family was involved with putting the puzzle together. It was even more fun to create this amazing picture by partnering with other people!

Lately I’ve been thinking about my life and my business as a jigsaw puzzle. The border was created through my childhood and educational experiences. If the border has formed my life’s edges, where’s the picture that I’m creating?

Do I have separate jigsaw puzzles ~ one for my business and one for my life? If they are separate, how can I create one without looking at the other?

Do I have a picture in place? Does the Universe or God have a picture for me to see and then re-create with the puzzle pieces?

Can you put a jigsaw puzzle together
if you don’t have the picture on the box?

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