Recently, several people have contacted me with some version of “I hate my job! I’ve got to get a new job!” As the end of the year gets closer, it’s natural for people to evaluate where they are and what they are doing.
When the life you WANT isn’t matching your current life, it’s uncomfortable at best. It’s pretty easy to see people slip into a deep blue “end of year” funk.
I know a lot about solving business problems, especially when those problems relate to your clients or your employees. I’m also good at helping individuals identify what they truly WANT in life. Some people have told me that I helped them with career decisions, and I am grateful to have helped them.
In spite of having guided people in the past with career situations, career transition is NOT my specialty. I’m not the best person to help you when you’re trying to decide what kind of job you want or where you want to work.
When I’m not the best person to help you, I believe in finding someone to recommend. Today I’m recommending that you contact Dr. Leah Jackman-Wheitner. You can email her directly at
Helping people create a firm foundation on which to build a solid, appealing and rewarding future is a passion for Leah Jackman-Wheitner, Ph.D. After more than a decade of intensive training and experience in the field of psychology, Dr. Jackman-Wheitner shares her knowledge as a business consultant and coach by helping successful people become even more successful.
Dr. Jackman-Wheitner’s role as a business and career consultant allows individual coaching clients to fine-tune their personal or professional lives, attaining new levels of success and satisfaction. Dr. Jackman-Wheitner earned a 1991 masters degree and a 1994 doctorate in counseling psychology from The Ohio State University where she completed a dissertation regarding vocational identity and psychological health. Her bachelor’s degree with honors in psychology and French is from the University of Missouri-Columbia. She is a member of the American Psychological Association and has completed coach training through the Institute for Life Coach Training
Dr. Leah’s published books include Unlocking the Confidence Code: 5 Steps to Complete Core Confidence, Women’s Business Success, and Becoming Whole.
Dr. Leah is participating in tomorrow’s CatalystConnect free tele-conference. During tomorrow’s tele-conference, we will spend 5-10 minutes talking about career transitions and how to secure business (or a new job) NOW. The rest of the hour will be devoted to question & answer among participants.
Dial +1 605 725 1900
Participant passcode is 7822377 (SUCCESS)
You pay only for your long distance telephone charges.
Tuesday, November 27 at 2 p.m. MST
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