As you’re shopping for gifts for loved ones, I’d like to suggest that you consider the products from this company – Do Good Stuff.
DO GOOD LLC was established to show how business can have a positive influence on society. Every sale provides humanitarian assistance. Every vendor is carefully chosen. Most items are made in the USA. The items that are made in Latin America are made by companies that protect their employees, not exploit them.
Most items are going to be more expensive than your neighborhood Target, but these items will make a difference to a child in need. DO GOOD believes that we can work within the bounds of the global economy to provide ethically created products.
I hope the company succeeds because I like the ideals it is encouraging. I’m looking forward to wearing my T-shirts and sharing with other people how they can feed a child for a month.
In case you’re curious, here are links to the items I just purchased:
IFCM Green-Blue Swirl Tie-Dye Shirt
After my items arrive, I’ll post a picture modeling the shirts.
Enjoy your weekend! Happy Shopping!