Exceptional Leaders Create Magic

When people listen with their hearts, it’s magical just like listening to dolphins sing underwater.

My friend Jen sent me a beautiful e-card this morning. I loved this picture so much that I decided to share it as a way of honoring the creative, playful spirit that lives inside each of us.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed today, create space to nurture your playful side. Schedule a hour meeting with the inner child who still lives within you.

If you’re stuck in the office, go outside and walk barefoot in the grass. If you’re in a cubicle, find an empty conference room, shut the door, and pretend to play hopscotch for 5 minutes. Create a paper wad basketball and shoot hoops into the trash bin.

Are your employees getting on each other’s nerves? Find a way to inject some FUN into the workplace. Play a childhood game like “hot potato” or sing a childhood song like Row Your Boat or London Bridge before your meeting begins.

Sure, some people might think you’ve lost your mind. They might laugh at your suggestions, but laughter is one of the healthiest activities to reduce stress and increase creativity.

Engaging the “other side” of your brain will actually help you and your employees solve the problems that are causing so much stress and tension. Physical activity creates movement. Movement creates shifts in your mental state and emotional well-being.

Creativity is what solves problems.

Have fun today! Create some magic! Solve some problems!

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