Last Tuesday’s travel nightmare (more than 20 hours of traveling from Illinois to Arizona – never mind the gory details) set the tone for the rest of the week.
I’ve had computer problems and may have a failing hard drive on my laptop (replacement computer will probably be ordered this week).
Client meetings keep getting re-arranged.
And, of course, I started sneezing, sniffling, and feeling rotten sick with a headache….
Boy, am I glad last week’s over!?!?
Isn’t it interesting how the more you complain
the more there is to complain about?
the more there is to complain about?
I’m a firm believer in focusing on the good and for most of last week… I did the opposite!
Once I took responsibility for making my day better, I focused on the great things that happened last week…..
spending time with my parents,
enjoying a fascinating conversation with another business owner
on my first flight that got canceled,
arriving home SAFELY after a long 20 hours of traveling,
working with great people who didn’t mind that I was yawning,
spending time with some girlfriends this weekend….
enjoying a fascinating conversation with another business owner
on my first flight that got canceled,
arriving home SAFELY after a long 20 hours of traveling,
working with great people who didn’t mind that I was yawning,
spending time with some girlfriends this weekend….
yes, it is ALL good!
More later this week…