Are We In Business or Are We Dating?

Sometimes when I talk with other business owners, I use the dating analogy to explain basic business relationship concepts.

If you wouldn’t expect someone to have sex with you on the basis of a phone call, you shouldn’t expect someone to purchase your services because you had a great phone call (or even multiple great phone calls)

If you wouldn’t expect someone to fall in love with you & marry you on the basis of one date, you shouldn’t expect someone to purchase your services because you had one great presentation.
When one party to the relationship stops returning your calls, you’re in trouble. It doesn’t matter which party. What matters is that there’s an issue that has to be addressed.

Business success is all about relationships. Building relationships is even more important with service-oriented businesses because the value you bring to the table is more intangible than tangible. After all, you can’t hold “improved customer service” in your hands like you can hold the next “latest & greatest” widget.

I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again…. If you want to succeed in business, you have to create relationships & creating relationships STARTS with building trust.

What have you done lately to build, re-build, or repair the trust your clients have with you?

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