“Plan To Be Surprised”

Sometimes when you see a movie, you get a lot more than you expect.

This weekend I saw Dan in Real Life, and it was more than I expected. It was funny, whimsical, and REAL.

If you live as if you plan to be surprised, you are open for anything that can happen. There’s a freedom that comes from living as if you don’t know what’s next.

Just imagine for a moment how you felt when you were a child anticipating Christmas or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or Ramadan or Pancha Ganapati.

You woke up each morning filled with joy and excitement. You had X number of days until it was time for a big celebration. You just knew that somehow your wishes would be fulfilled.

For today, live as if you’re a child anticipating a big surprise! After all, you never know when you’ll land the big contract or meet the perfect person or secure the perfect job.

It could be today.

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