Last night I watched the men’s NCAA Championship game. I was really more interested in the stories that weren’t told.
A little-told story is how Billy Donovan (Florida’s head coach) was a mediocre player until he DECIDED he wanted to be a better player. He approached his coach Rick Pitino for advice and he DID what Pitino suggested. He became his conference’s player of the year as a result of his hard work.
Rick Pitino shared the story of Billy’s determination, effort, and success in his book, Success is a Choice. Playing for Pitino truly created an opportunity for Billy to practice and strengthen his leadership skills.
The relationship between Billy Donovan and Rick Pitino continued after his playing days ended. Billy was an assistant coach at University of Kentucky under Pitino. The success they experienced at Kentucky led to the opportunity for him to become a head coach.
Last night the commentators mentioned other men who have mentored Billy Donovan, including NFL football coach Bill Belichik.
In honor of the man who offered Billy words of advice years ago, I’d like to suggest you look around today.
Is there someone within your circle of influence who could use some suggestions to succeed? What’s stopping you from providing some needed advice?
Is there someone who you want to emulate? What’s stopping you from asking for advice?
Decide to Succeed.
Ask, Listen, and Learn.