Drive Cross Country & Clear Your Head

What a week it has been! For those of you who live in the United States, I recommend a cross-country car trip as “must do before I die” activity.

It’s easy to get caught in your regular routine and lose sight of why you do what you do. Driving from Phoenix to Albuquerque was probably the most scenic part of my adventure because I love the red rocks, mesas, and pine trees. The landscape is one of the things that drew me to Arizona, and it remains fascinating. When I reconnect with nature (even if it is through the car window), I can let go of my thoughts more easily.

As the miles passed and the landscape shifted, I felt my internal thoughts shift as well. Instead of contemplating the day’s “to do” list, I contemplated why I’m in business and what I want to accomplish in my life. This drive has been a way of reconnecting with who I am and why I do what I do.

While I was traveling across country, I listened to audio books like Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker and Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill. I recommend listening to Secrets of the Millionaire Mind because it’s entertaining, educating, and lots of fun. Imagine me for a moment. I’m driving 80 mph on the interstate highway with my index finger pointed to my head shouting, “I have a millionaire mind!” You can do these crazy things when you’re alone….

My focus this week was to clear my head. It’s very similar to what you would do if you buy new furniture or even a new car. You clear the space in the room for the new sofa, and you clear the garage for the new car. Sometimes you might even sell the old car before buying the new car.

And, now, I’ve cleared my head for new thoughts, new directions, and new business….

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