Last Friday I was in Philadelphia to meet with my business coach. The day was alternately exhilarating and exhausting because I feel strongly that I have SO MUCH MORE I could and want to do with my business!
While we were together, we did several exercises and discussed techniques around the “inner game” within my brain. Talking with her about some of the stories in my head helped me identify what wasn’t helping me.
I tell people they can live their dreams. I believe this so deeply that it is a fundamental part of who I am. I am on this planet to inspire, care, and have fun. One realization I had on Friday is that I believe others can live their dreams and sometimes I’m not sure that I can.
Looking at myself in the mirror wasn’t such a pretty sight after I made that statement. After all, I am a woman of integrity. I can’t continue to tell people that they can pursue their passions, live their dreams, and have it all unless I’m willing to DO that for myself.
For success to occur, there’s a fundamental connection between our thoughts, our words, and our actions. When those three things are aligned, we succeed and we feel fabulous!
Here’s one of my dreams…. I dream of being a professional speaker.
I used to dream of being a published author AND a professional speaker. Since I became a published author when 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life was published in May 2006, I AM a published author. [Tangent: visit for more info on the book!]
And, now I have no more excuses… It is time to get aligned. It is time to pursue speaking opportunities and create the life I desire.
What is it that you dream of doing or being? How do you talk about your dream? What are you doing to make your dream a reality? How are you relating to people who know you so that you create opportunities?
To YOUR Success!