Where Do You Fit?

Sometimes you can experience an “aha” moment in the midst of mundane everyday life. Recently, I saw the movie A Good Year with Russell Crowe & Marion Cotillard. Crowe plays an uber-successful London investment banker who has misplaced his heart/soul in the process. During one scene, Crowe’s character is explaining to Cotillard’s character why it […]

here is the deepest secret nobody knows(here is the root of the root and the bud of the budand the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which growshigher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart i carry your heart(i carry it in […]

When Paul Newman died, I read this story from the last interview Barbara Walters had with him in fall 2007. Just had to share it because I’m known for telling people how old I feel, not how old I am chronologically. I used to swap ages with my brother, and then he got older than […]

Busy or Running?

It’s pretty obvious to everyone around me that I’m busy. I’ve been putting in a lot of hours with my clients. I’ve been busy exploring ideas to expand my business. Lately, I’ve even been telling people about how I’m burning the candles at both ends and taking almost all weekend to recover from the stress. […]

Vision for Catalyst for Success

This month I have been participating in the Ladies Who Launch intensive incubator. The four-week program is designed for you and 9 women to work on a project you bring to the incubator. The result is a push towards your future. Here’s the vision I created for my business as a result of this month’s […]